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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

It has been an absolutely insane week. Honestly, if not for Lily I would have just given up several times. Okay, so maybe I'm being a mite overly dramatic, but it was pretty awful. Generally speaking, I don't have bad weeks. I don't even really have bad days. I have a grumpy hour here and there, but that's about the extent of it. But this week, everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Let's just say that I was very glad to wake up this morning and realize that it was Saturday! Blessed, blessed weekends. But before the wretched week began, we had a pretty great weekend. It started out with the zoo and ended with a flying lesson in the park.

Aren't they adorable...and here's proof that I don't over girlify my daughter.

She is the greatest joy in my life. She is always happy and adorable and oh-so-cuddly and cute.

Ernie put one of his hats on her and the batman shirt he picked out from Macys when I was buying dresses and frilly outfits (okay, so he forces me to not always over girlify her). She looked like a miniature version of him.

Our neighbor came over while we were doing yard work. He designed these great little toy airplanes. They are kind of like a paper airplane, but more permanent and made of plastic. There is a little groove on the nose. The launcher is a small dowell with a little notch at the top where he tied a giant rubber band.

To launch it, you put the slack part of the rubber band onto the hook on the nose of the plane. Then you pull back and let 'er rip.

Lily couldn't get enough of watching the plane fly. And when it would land, Ernie would send her after it.

When she finally grew bored of that, he took her to the playground and we had a grand time.

And then, much to her disappointment, we had to go home. We assured her that the playground would be there for another day, but somehow our reassurances didn't console her.


James and Summer said...

the zoo pics look so fun - as well as the park! Both of which are some of our fav. places too! And... although we've been to zoos in many places, we've lived in Utah for 6 years and never been to the SLC zoo! I am thinking we need to rectify that situation...
you are beautiful!!! and such a good mommy! I love reading about your life and adorable little girl.
what's funny is that I chopped about 6 inches off of my hair the night after we went to the temple! It's still 'long' but I continue to catch myself looking twice in the mirror, or feeling funny when I brush it out. It'll grow....
And Tessa is almost 15 months old, she turned a year old Dec. 28. I love this age!!!

Steve and Cyndi said...

Over girlify? You can't make me believe there is such a thing!! :)

But, seriously, Lily looks adorable even in a batman shirt and hat! What a fun outting!!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Ohhhh, I'm sorry you had such a bad week! But that's awesome you were able to have a few fun times too! I love the Batman shirt on her, she's SO cute!!! *I*, MEEE, *I* want her hair!!! It's so gorgeous!

The Gotzingers said...

How fun! I'm so jealous of all your family outings you guys have. We never have time to do things like that, and when we do have the time not everyone is there to participate.

You're a great mom!!

mad white woman said...

Sorry you had such a rotten week. Hopefully this week will be better. I am SO grateful for Clara... their little smiles make everything better. If only for a moment, that's a moment of joy.