So, there is no purpose for these pictures, other than they are adorable. But what picture of Lily isn't.
Life has been hectic lately. Work has been insanely busy. But so it always is at the first of the year. I need to keep reminding myself that being busy is a blessing. It means we will be able to pay bills and buy food and clothes. And beyond that, we can have extra to do the fun little things. There are so many people right now who can't do those things. So the fact that I've been working ten hour days, six days a week and running around like a crazy person is a good thing. The fact that I have only seen my daughter for about two or three hours a day for the past two weeks is a blessing. I keep having to remind myself of that fact, because it is really hard to remember. But soon I will be back to my normal schedule and all will be right with the world. Soon, Ernie will be back to working sixty hour weeks and I'll be working thirty hour weeks and I can once again enjoy bonding with my child. In the mean time, Lily is having a grand time hanging out with Ernie.
Being busy is ironic. It stinks, but as you've clearly pointed out, it's a blessing. Working 60 hours a week is draining without a child. You are a strong woman to do it with one.
I hope what we're experiencing now will be a reminder later down the road not to ever complain if Jason is super busy with work. :)
I thought of you last week when I worked all week and my admiration for you grew a bit more. I don't think I handled life as a mother working full time as well as you do.
AWE the bath paints and crayons! I have always thought they were messy so I have never purchased them for the girls. Mom was the one who actaully introduced the girls to bath crayons this year and I guess they are not as messy as I thought they would be. Lily looks so cute playing with her bath paints!
Wow, I didn't realize how busy you were! That's insane! Where does Lily go while you're gone? Do you and Ernie have opposing schedules or do you have a babysitter? That would be so hard!!!
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