Blogaholic Designs”=

Friday, December 26, 2008


Christmas is soooo much more fun when you have kids to share it with. When Lily woke up on Christmas morning we told her Santa had come. Her smile grew when she spotted her stocking and the cute table and chair set Santa had left her. She ran into the living room and yelled "SANTA!!!" Then she grabbed her stocking and walked around saying "Ho, ho, ho!"

She then spent the next hour or so playing with her Lily-sized table and chairs, puzzles and ball that Santa left her. Now, keep in mind that she has never waited longer than a few minutes before demand in no uncertain terms to be fed. So it is very significant that she waited over an hour to eat breakfast on Christmas.

After a special breakfast of pancakes, scrambled eggs and sausage, we opened gifts. We had a blast opening gifts, but we ran into a bit of a problem. Lily wasn't content to open a gift and set it aside. She wanted to play with each gift before opening another. So it took us a bit of time to get through all the gifts.

I love the toddler table. She can do arts and crafts and play with her puzzles much easier now that she has a place she can get into or out of on her own. We are so glad Santa had the forsight to bring such a useful gift this year.

And I can't forget this adorable little hat from Aunt Denise. It comes with a matching shawl that is soooo pretty. And it is the only hat I have ever put on Lily that she will keep on for any significant length of time.
She spent the rest of the day playing with her cool new toys...but that is for the next post.

1 comment:

mad white woman said...

I agree, Christmas with children is much more fun. I love the little table (Clara's to be getting one from someone for Christmas... or so I've been told).