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Monday, February 16, 2009

I Love You Because

10. You love to sleep and you are oh-so-good at it

9. You crawl into bed with me at around 6:00, curl up on my chest and go right back to sleep

8. You don't just walk, you strut. And with such attitude. You certainly know how to own a room

7. When you do something you know you aren't supposed to do, you run up and give me a big bear hug and big, sloppy kiss. Then you put your hands on my cheeks and laugh hysterically until I can no longer keep a straight face

6. You love to wear your princess shoes and put pretties in your hair

5. When you see me after being separated (even if its only ten minutes), you run up, squealing, and take a flying leap into my arms

4. Whenever I ask you to look at the camera, you stop whatever you're doing and say "cheeeeeesssse" with a huge grin on your face

3. Your smile lights up the entire room

2. When daddy starts to tickle me mercilessly, you pull him away, waggle your finger at him and say "no, no Daddy"

1. You fill every day with laughter


mad white woman said...

What a sweet post. When Lily can read, she'll love reading your adoring thoughts.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

She is a sweetheart! What is she wearing in the bottom picture? She is so cute!!

The Gotzingers said...

She's gunna love seeing that when she gets older. :o)

Her outfit in the last picture is so cute. When isn't she cute?? LOL!

James and Summer said...

aaaaaahhhhhh! so cute. love it!