Two noteworthy things happened yesterday that I just had to share. The first, Lily took her very first picture. And I think it turned out pretty dang cute for a 16 month old. The second....well, here it is.
I have a bazillion pictures of Lily on my desk at my office. Well, yesterday the woman who comes to water the plants was looking at them and gushing over how beautiful she is. Then she asked me "Is she yours?" Of course, I said yes. Then she has the audacity to say "Are you sure she came from you, because she doesn't have an ounce of you in her." I fumed for the rest of the day. I know it seems completely childish to be upset by such a thing, but for crying out loud. It isn't as if she doesn't look like me at all, is it? Sheesh! I mean, I did carry her for 43 weeks and I did labor for 24 hours (2 of which were pushing after the epideral had worn off) to bring her into this world. She should at least bare some resemblance to me! So please, my family and friends, leave kind comments. Gush. Lie, even. Just tell me my daughter looks a teensie bit like me!
*Edit...I don't really care who she looks like. I personally think she's a good mix of both of us with a fair bit of her own individual look. I guess what got me all riled was how the lady said it
Okay, for someone who is the "dark one" of the relationship, my kids somehow inherited the recessive blondness and everything that is Danny somehow. I had a friend tell me once that for the 6 months she'd known me, she'd been wanting to ask if Savanna was adopted because she was SO blonde and looked nothing like me. Then she saw Danny. All her questions were answered! It's kind of funny. I wonder if we'll ever have a kid with my coloring! You might never have a kid with your coloring but maybe your next one will look exactly like you. :) My mom is blonde/blue eyed and every one of us kids came out dark haired and brown eyed, all looking like my dad. Maybe all your kids will have your awesome, rockin', spunkiness!!! :)
I'm always amazed at what people will say! "Are you sure she came from you?!" I'm sorry my 10 months of pregnancy were just a strange hallucination!
Anywho, I can totally see you in her, especially in her face shape! Plus, though I've never met her I ge the feeling that her personality is a lot like yours. Be proud of your baby girl, she is a cutie!
Hmm, I'm so bad at seeing how some kids look like their parents. But I totally think Lily looks like you. Not exactly like you, but I see a resemblance in her eye shape and nose. Either way, she's cute!
I was the only blonde (well, I was pure WHITE) in my family when I was little so I'd tell everyone I was adopted. He he.
of COURSE she looks like you! adorable and practically perfect in every way!
What a MEAN lady! Seriously! Who says that? And, yes, you and Lily have the same eyes! I'm sure there is more that I'd notice in common in person, but for sure she has your eye shape...
Some people just do not have any tact whatsoever and i will agree with everyone else that is just a mean thing especially to say! Lily does look like you some people forget to think before they talk. Thats a cute pic of Lily your brave to give her the camera.
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