Blogaholic Designs”=

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Beauty is nature's brag

Some pretty pictures on a pretty day. 

Today we went looking for acorns and pine cones to decorate the fairy house we are building.

I took advantage of the nice light and colors to take some pictures of the bug (okay, so I don't really need a excuse to take pictures of her, but I wanted some nice ones for our family wall.)

It was a frigid day (I think it was in the twenties with the wind chill), but it was nice to get out of the house.  Lily and I love our walks and we love the outdoors, so we were both going kinda crazy being stuck inside by the rain the past two days.

And doesn't she just look darling in her winter coat?  I got it for $2.50 at Once Upon a Child in Charleston.

When we went back inside, we both had a renewed gratitude for the warm indoors.  We snuggled up with steaming mugs of hot cocoa (our first bit of sugar since the moratorium ended today) and watched Cinderella together.

Right now I am listening to this while Lily draws her fifteenth picture of a flower garden. She insists that I put each one on the refrigerator. The poor thing now appears to be papered in child drawing.  Fun times, yes?


mad white woman said...

A fairy house sounds fun. Way more fun than what we've been doing (nothing) for the last several weeks. And that last picture of Lily is excellent. The lighting and coloring is pleasing.

Steve and Cyndi said...

Oh my! Lily looks absolutely GORGEOUS in those last two pictures!