Blogaholic Designs”=

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Surf & Sunshine

What's that? you ask.  A trip to the beach in January?

Yep.  That's just how we roll in the south, my friends. 

While it wasn't one of our oh-so-fun splashing and diving adventures, we had a blast going to the beach today. 

Lily collected sea shells for her fairy house (pictures to come, I promise)

Then we enjoyed a lovely, relaxing picnic on the water. 

After we'd gotten our fill of sunshine and water, we went to a cafe for some hot chocolate before heading to a local bookstore.

It was a great, relaxing, sunny day.  There are times when I wish I lived somewhere where it snowed, but then I remember how very much I hate the cold and how much I crave sunlight on overcast days, and I come to my senses.

Because really?  Who wouldn't want to go to the beach in January?


Shelly said...

YES!! I would love to go to the beach in Jan. So are you keeping your hair color? It looks really great on you(:

mad white woman said...

So pretty! I think the beach on a sunny day in January tops our sunny winter days here. I've said this before but your pictures always make me want to plan a trip to the south.